Episode 113: Using metrics to drive your success and fulfillment

Today we’re talking about how to use specific metrics in setting goals for yourself and your firm so that you steer yourself to the success and fulfillment you actually want.

Instead of going through the motions of work every day only to end up in the same place again next year, with the same frustration and stress as usual.

I'm sharing the type of detailed metrics that can completely change how you set and achieve goals as well as specifically why this works compared with how you have likely approached goals in the past.

This has completely changed my relationship with goals (I used to avoid them) and I have seen my clients massively increase and improve what they accomplish in their businesses and lives with this tweak.

If you want to set big goals next year, and actually achieve them, now is the perfect time to book a strategy call with me to apply this work to yourself and your firm after you listen.


Episode 114: Successfully combining mindset with strategy


Episode 112: Stop asking your employees to read your mind