Episode 117: Transforming client judgments into strategic insights

Everyone judges their clients at some point, in some way. It’s just human nature.

What you do with that judgment, how it guides your work, and how you feel at work and after work is what matters.

Today I’m going into detail on why judgments are normal, how you can use them to make your client relationships and solutions even better, and how you can stop feeling guilty or embarrassed for having the judgments in the first place.

When you apply the concepts I cover in this episode, you will enjoy your client interactions more, have more time and energy, and improve the overall experience for clients, too.

If you want help doing this work specifically in your firm, I’m here for you. Schedule a free consult with me today.


Episode 118: Set Yourself Up for a Year of Success (Ditch the Resolutions)


Episode 116: Mindset strategies for sound decision making