Episode 119: Seven Surprising Time Sucks for Accountants

One of the top complaints I hear from the accountants I coach (and my accounting friends)  is that there is never enough time. 

You want to get all the things done, and feel like a successful, skilled professional who always achieves and follows through for your clients and team, but you also would love to have a life, see your family, sleep, and maybe even workout sometimes.

There are so many ways to solve for creating enough time and managing your time.

But, I think there are actually a lot of things that you don't even realize are productivity killers and time wasters. 

Many of them are just normal things we do each day and pretty standard patterns of getting through stressful or busy times.

Or even normal times.

I think you will be surprised by some of these top 7 time sucks I share today. And of course I include suggestions for how you can counteract them.


Want to seriously get your time management under control so you always have plenty of time to not only excel at work, but also at home?  Schedule a free consult with me today and I will help you do exactly that.


Episode 120: How to Reduce Your Hours, Even During Busy Season


Episode 118: Set Yourself Up for a Year of Success (Ditch the Resolutions)