Episode 68: What to do when you feel behind

You’re supposed to start the year off strong, right? Maybe. But what can you do if you feel like you’re already behind?

Today I’m going to show you why all is not lost if you didn’t hit the ground running in January. There’s no need to give up, feel lost, or spend a bunch of time trying to catch up.

I’m going to help you get moving so you don’t stay in a place that feels like crap for several months. Because that is the only problem you actually face when you think you’re behind. Choosing to focus on what went wrong instead of what went right and what to do next.

So let’s get you moving on all those big results I know you want to create this year. Whether you’re listening to this in January or July, I’ve got you.


Episode 69: How to recognize and trust your voice


Episode 67: How to stop your compare and despair