Episode 75: Practicing your CEO Mindset

While the title of CEO generally falls on you when you start a business, how often do you really practice the mindset of actually being the CEO of your business?

For a lot of women, this title and the concept of thinking like one, feels very uncomfortable.  

It could be your socialization that it's CEO's are unpleasant, ruthless people. 

It could also be that you're used to thinking of yourself more as the skilled practitioner that you were in your industry before starting your business. 

Whatever your reason, the practice of thinking like a CEO is a key to your growth as a business owner and for the growth of your business.  Because a business without a strong leader is going to struggle. 

Listen in today to learn three guiding principles to help you practice your CEO mindset every day. 

Because like any skill, it is a practice and it's something you can strengthen a little bit more each day.


Episode 76: Growing your business one decision at a time


Episode 74: Four steps to balance hard work vs hustle