Episode 84: Why it's so hard to toot your own horn

Whether it’s creating your resume, writing a catchy bio or even accepting a compliment, acknowledging and talking about how amazing you are is something most people are uncomfortable with. 

In this episode I'm sharing the reasons you’re uncomfortable and what you can do to be more comfortable both in accepting how wonderful and accomplished you are and talking about it with greater ease and frequency.

Think you're fine just being modest and discounting yourself still? Here's why you should care.

People who acknowledge their role in creating their results have more confidence, receive more recognition, get paid more, are exposed to greater opportunities, and have more fun in life and work. 

And, the more you acknowledge and claim your own greatness, the more you open the door for others to do the same.


Episode 85: The hot mess perfectionist vs the imperfect expert


Episode 83: What got you here won’t get you there