Episode 77: Masculine & feminine energy in business (with Melanie Shmois)

Today we’re talking about masculine and feminine energy and how being aware of it can help you run a better business and enjoy your work more without feeling like you’re fighting your way through each day.

This topic sounds more woo than the things I usually talk about, but it is something I have found very useful in understanding my own way of operating in my business.  

It has been incredibly useful in understanding my motivations, my energy, and how I show up and how I interact with other people.  And it helped me understand other people’s motivations better. 

So to talk about this subject and share more about it with you, I've invited my friend and fellow coach, Melanie Shmois to talk more in depth about masculine and feminine energy and how you can apply what we share today to your own business and life.

Melanie is a therapist turned intuitive life and high performance coach with certifications from the Life Coach School and Atmana Intuitive Coaching.

I think you'll enjoy this one, and find some interesting explanations and understanding about where you struggle and where you feel totally at home.

To learn more about Melanie Shmois or to work with her, go to melanieshmois.com or follow her on Instagram.


Episode 78: Dealing with difficult clients


Episode 76: Growing your business one decision at a time